It's Easy to forget sometimes, when you hang around the cool SEO blogs, that there are those of us who are just starting out-learning for the first time the ways your website code and inbound links effect the likelihood that your pages will rank
like most of us i stumbled into SEO. i was working at web development company, and the president asked me to look into this"SEO stuff"
It's been a long and exciting [ though sometimes painful ] learning experience since then.
One of the most improtant things i learned:don't believe everything you read.
but there are a few resources i've found over the years to be deep wells of actionable knowledge.
The 12 resources below are, i feel, the best places to learn about SEO.
this was one of the first websites I frequented when I started learning SEO. the open spirit of the community combined with the consistent publication of thorough educational content makes this one of the first places i send those looking to learn more about SEO.
Webmaster World
Most SEO bloggers are guilty of writing too much theory and too little in the wat of concrete examples. As a result we'er often left thinking, "Sounds good, but how do i know this really works?"
Webmaster world is one of the oldest and mostt trusted forums on topics related to web development and marketing online as a whole. These are real webmasters sharing their thougth and issues in an environment conducive to open discussion. As a result the threads often involve specific issues, a variety of voice and, most importantly, no-holds barred discussion of the issue at hand.
Of course, you have to subscribe to webmaster world to participate-But that's no free
Two other forums worth cheking out:
Bill Slawski's Blog is the #1 place to learn about search engine patents. Period.
Kudow to bill for being <Strikethrough>Insane>/Strikethrough> determined enough to read through every search engine patent he can get his hands on and then translate them for rest of us.
Keeping up wirh parenred search technology helps you keep abreast of what search engines are capable of - and where they may be going in the near future.
SEO book
Aaron wall is widely considered one of the true papa's of search. He's been at it a long time
Aaon is one of the few blogger online whose posts i never miss not only does he share acrionable
Insights on SEO, but aaron's Writing often higlights the transcendental the transcendetal issues that link SEO to other aspects of the online world - and understanding the bis picture is crucial to surviving online competition
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Search Engine
This the legendary paper sumbitted by google founders larry page and sergey brin during their phD work at standford. it is a blueprint of sorts of the original working model for google.
While in its current from google in many ways dwarfs the original concept, the original google. Concept was truly an engineering work of art - and reading the paper above will take you a long way in understanding the processes that are at the core of the search engines we know today.
Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land Was founded by danny sullivan who is perhaps the most recodnized face and name in SEO. Danny is frequently on the cusp of the latest developments in search - with uprecedented contacs at the search engines and a huge network of experienced SEO's and developers.
There is a constant stream of relevant and well-written posts at from some of the best SEO's in the business. Subscribing to This One is a no brainer.
Google'S SEO Guidelines
While i wouldn't tell anyone to do "WHATEVER GOOGLE SAYS" to do to get yout website to rank, it's important to know what google's Public position is on a variety of tactics/Techniuqes you might employ
Search Engine Guide
This Self billed "SMALL BUSINESS GUIDE TO SEARCH MARKETING" is not just for small businesses - the posts here are written bu a community of experienced SEO's who have experience getting websites to rank when there isn't wearlth of resources at your diasoposal
Search Engine Journal
The Blog you're reading now has been around for some time. loren baker, who started it, is one og those other papa's of SEO
Maybe i don't need to tell you about this one since you're already reading it - but in case you were thinking you need to look elsewhere, you've got years worth of tremendously helpful blog posts right here.
SEO Black Hat
There's Power In The dark side.
QuadsZilla doesn't mince words when it comes to where he stands on the "WHITE HAT VS BLACK HAT" issue. He's black hat all the way - and proud.
I don't necessarily condone some of the tactics black hat SEO's employ to boost their rankings, but there is plenty to learn about automation and how ranking algorithms can be exploited. Even if you plan to be an angel it's worth knowing what the dark side is up to
This website was also started by Danny sullivan, it's essentially a social bookmariking website dedicated to search engine marketing ( With Some Laterally - Related Topics )
Sphinn is a great place to go when you're looking to sift Through the seo blogosphere and find those posts that are picking up steam ( as well as some classics that are worth going back to read ).
SEO Fast Start
This Ebbok from Dan thies, a veteran of SEO, has been around for quite a few years now. that doesn't mean it's outdated - Dan updates Every edition with the latest in search engine updates and tactics. Dan's writing style is straightfoward, and he offers plenty of great SEO advice for beginners as well as some tips seasoned folks might not have thought of ( or just need a refresher on ).
BONUS. Your Experience
The best way to learn SEO is through hands-on experience and experimentation. There are a lot of smart people out there sharing killer content, but the best education you can get comes from seeing for yourself. Get your feet wet.
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